Mastering the Design Sprint Template for Notion

Author: Virtual Inspiration @vinsp

Last updated: 5th July 2023

<aside> 💡 Alright, so you're sitting there with a project in your hands and a powerful tool like Notion at your disposal, but where do you begin? When inspiration hits, it's time to harness its energy, organize your thoughts, and spring into action. And that's where the Design Sprint Template steps in. But hey, it's not just about using the tool—it's about mastering it. Like a seasoned chef with a kitchen full of ingredients, we're here to help you cook up a storm of productivity. From understanding the basic functionalities to making the most out of advanced features, we're laying down everything you need to turn those big ideas into achievable goals. Let's dive in and make the most of your design sprints.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Things You Should Know

<aside> 1️⃣ Duplicate the Design Sprint Template into your Notion workspace



<aside> 2️⃣ Familiarize Yourself with the Template and the Example of a Design Sprint Project

<aside> 3️⃣ Understand the Design Sprint Process

Design Sprint is a time-constrained, user-centered design process that aims to answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and user testing. The process is usually led by a facilitator who guides a cross-functional team of participants through each stage of the sprint. The team can include stakeholders, designers, developers, and subject matter experts. Design Sprint is a great way to quickly validate ideas and prototypes, identify potential issues, and refine the final product before investing time and money into its development.

The process is typically completed in five days, with each day devoted to a specific goal:

<aside> 4️⃣ Set Up the Goal, Timeline, and Assign Facilitator


After familiarizing yourself with the Design Sprint process, the next step is to lay down the practical framework for your sprint. Remember to keep all of this information updated and accessible in your Notion workspace so that everyone involved in the sprint can easily refer to it at any time. Having these details clearly defined from the start will help your sprint run more smoothly and effectively.

<aside> 5️⃣ Day 1: Understand


The first day of your design sprint is dedicated to understanding the problem. It's crucial to define your challenge clearly, understand your target audience, and map out the user's journey.


<aside> 6️⃣ Day 2: Ideate


The second day of your design sprint is all about idea generation. This stage invites creativity and encourages every team member to bring their unique perspectives and insights to the table.





<aside> 7️⃣ Day 3: Decide


On the third day of your Design Sprint, it's time to converge on the most promising ideas and create a concrete plan for your prototype. This stage involves storyboarding your solution and voting on the best ideas to move forward with.




<aside> 8️⃣ Day 4: Prototype


The fourth day of your Design Sprint is dedicated to creating a tangible representation of your chosen solution. This involves building a prototype and planning user tests for the final day of the sprint.




<aside> 9️⃣ Day 5: Test, Recap, and Next Steps


The final day of your Design Sprint is focused on user testing, analyzing feedback, and outlining the next steps. This phase is crucial as it validates your solution and provides insights for refinement.



Our Design Sprint template for Notion is a powerful tool for teams looking to tackle complex challenges and create innovative solutions. With a structured and collaborative approach, teams can ideate, prototype, and test their ideas in a matter of days, instead of weeks or months. Whether you're launching a new product, exploring a new market, or looking to solve a complex problem, our template can help you achieve your goals and create a better future for your business and your customers.

<aside> ⏬ GET TEMPLATE
